Meccano Manuals


Detailed changes to the manuals during the 1947

In 1947 the manuals had a minor revision. The majority were seen in the 1/47 manuals although a few did not get changed till the next printing (Query - did this affect all manuals of a printing or just some?).
Several models had errors in their parts lists corrected and several models also had the building instructions amended slightly, to clarify certain points or correct errors. The models involved were ('T' signifies text change, 'F' signifies text formatting change and 'P' signifies parts list change). For more details see below:-

Model 0.10 - Text amendment
Model 0.11 - 19 of 37a + 18 of 37b -> 18 of 37 + 1 of 37a
Model 0.12 - Text amendment
Model 0.19 - 17 of 37a + 15 of 37b -> 15 of 37 + 25 of 37a (error introduced)
Model 0.20 - MM advert - Change of font
Model 1.6 - Text amendment (07/47)
Model 1.18 - Text amendment
Model 1.19 - Parts list reformatted
Model 1.21 - 2 of 16 -> 1 of 16 (07/47)
Model 1.33 - Text reformatted
Model 1.38 - Text amendment
Model 1.39 - Text reformatted
Model 1.40 - Text amendment
Model 2.7 - Text amendment
Model 2.8 - Text amendment
Model 2.9 - Text amendment
Model 2.9 - 39 of 37 -> 38 of 37 : 38 of 37a -> 1 of 37a
Model 2.11 - Text amendment
Model 2.21 - Text amended
Model 3.3 - Para 2 - Text amendment
Model 3.7 - 3 of 12 -> 5 of 12
Model 3.10 - 1 of 17 added
Model 3.13 - 56 of 37 -> 50 of 37 : 50 of 37a -> 6 of 37a : 2 of 38 -> 4 of 38
Model 3.15 - Para 2 - Text amendment
Model 3.17 - 2 of 16 -> 3 of 16
Model 3.20 - Extra Para added in at end
Model 4.4 - 1 of 38d added (03/47)
Model 4.5 - Para 4 - Text amendment (03/47)
Model 4.6 - 1 of 186 added
Model 4.7 - Para 1 - Text amendment
Model 4.10 - Para 4 - Text amendment : 81 of 37a & 75 of 37b -> 75 of 37 and 9 of 37a (03/47)
Model 4.22 - In main figure, there is an extra No.2 and associated pointer (03/47)
Model 5.2 - 2 of 1 added
Model 5.8 - Para 4 - Text amendment
Model 5.8 - Para 3 & 4 - Text amendment (03/47)
Model 5.12 - Para 2 - Text reformatted
Model 5.13 - 2 of 24a -> 1 of 24a
Model 5.14 - Para 3 - Text reformatted : 1 of 214 -> 2 of 214
Model 5.15 - 90 of 37a + 85 of 37a -> 85 of 37 + 5 of 37a
Model 5.17 - Para 3 - Text amendment
Model 5.21 - Para 1 - Text amended
Model 5.22 - Para 3 - Text amended
Model 6.1 - Para 4 - Text amendment : 108 of 37a + 99 of 37b -> 99 of 37 + 9 of 37a
Model 6.2 - Para 7 - Text amendment
Model 6.5 - No.1 C/W -> Magic Motor in parts list
Model 6.6 - Para 1 - Text amended : Para 2 - Text reformatted
Model 6.8 - Para 1 - Text amended
Model 6.9 - 1 of 40 added
Model 6.11 - 1 of 40 added
Model 6.12 - Para 3 - Text amended
Model 6.13 - Last Para - Text amended
Model 6.14 - Para 1 - Text amended : 2 of 3 -> 4 of 3 : 1 of 40 added
Model 6.17 - Para 3 - Text amended
Model 6.19 - 2 of 3 -> 3 of 3 : 1 of 15a added
Model 6.22 - 1 of 111a -> 4 of 111a : 4 of 215 -> 1 of 215
Model 7.2 - Para 3 & 4 - Text amended
Model 7.3 - Para 3 - Text amended
Model 7.5 - Para 1, Line 6 - The word 'the' omitted at end of line
Model 7.9 - 1 of 15 --> 2 of 15 : 1 of 18b added : 5 of 35 --> 14 of 35
Model 7.10 - Para 4 - Text amended : Extra para added at end : 1 of 15a added : 5 of 20b --> 1 of 20b : 1 of 22 --> 5 0f 22
Model 7.11 - Para 4 - Text amended : 2 of 12a --> 4 of 12a : 1 of 15a added : 1 of 40 deleted : 1 of 188 --> 2 of 188
Model 7.12 - 1 of 17 added : 1 of 18a --> 2 of 18a
Model 7.13 - Para 2 - Text amended : 6 of 190 --> 8 of 190 : 2 of 193 deleted : 2 of 195 deleted
Model 7.15 - Para 1 - Text amended
Model 7.17 - Para 1 and Last para - Text amended
Model 7.18 - Para 3 - Text amended : In parts not requried for 1A C/W motor - 1 of 155 added
Model 7.19 - Para 5 - Text amended
Model 7.20 - Para 4 - Text amended : 1 of 111 added
Model 7.21 - Para 4 - Text amended
Model 7.23 - Para 3 - Text amended : 2 of 90 --> 20 of 90a : 1 of 116 --> 2 of 116
Model 8.1 - Para 2 - Text amended : 4 of 24a --> 4 of 24
Model 8.2 - Para 2, 3, 9, 11 & last para - Text amended : 1 of 17 --> 2 of 17 : 2 of 24a --> 1 of 24a
Model 8.3 - 6 of 12c --> 7 of 12c : 1 of 15b --> 2 of 15b : 1 of 18a --> 2 of 18a
Model 8.4 - 1 of 15b --> 2 of 15b : 4 of 16 --> 5 of 16 : 2 of 22 --> 4 of 22
Model 8.5 - Para 3 - Text amended : 3 of 15 --> 4 of 15 : 3 of 155 --> 4 of 155
Model 8.6 - 2 of 18a --> 3 of 18a : 1 of 18b added
Model 8.7 - 14 of 12 --> 18 of 12 : 4 of 12c --> 6 of 12c
Model 8.9 - 1 of 15b added : 1 of 120b deleted : 1 of 166 added>br>