Meccano Manuals

Swedish Language Meccano Manuals

Details and Downloads of the Manuals

This section covers Swedish language instruction manuals for Meccano sets up to 1962.

Note - From late 1962 all manuals were multi-language, so the standard Liverpool manuals were used.

Scans of other Swedish language manuals would be much appreciated.

1-6 Translation (1920)
720/5 (Svensk Upplaga)

A Swedish Language translation of the 1920 Instruction manual for outfits 1 to 6. Book No. 20s. Print Code 720/5(Svensk Upplaga).
With a 1921 stuck-in price list, print code 221/5
(Added 21/08/2022)
4-7 (1928)
A 1928 Swedish Language Instruction manual for outfits 4 to 7 is known to exist. Print Code 13/828/.5.
(Added 07/09/2023)
0 (1932)
13/632/3.5(1P) (Sverige)

A 1932 Swedish Language Instruction manual for outfit 0. Print Code 13/632/3.5(1P)(Sverige).
(Added 21/08/2022)
00-0 (1934)
A 1934 Swedish Language Instruction manual for outfits 00 to 0 is known to exist. Print Code 13/734/2.35.
(Added 07/09/2023)
Outfits A to C (1935)
13/935/1.6 (Sverige)

A 1935 Swedish Language Instruction manual for outfits A to C. Print Code 13/935/1.6(Sverige).
(Added 24/02/2022)
Outfits A to E (1935)
13/935/.2 (Sw. X)

A 1935 Swedish Language Instruction manual for outfits A to E. Print Code 13/935/.2(Sw. X).
(Added 24/02/2022)
Outfit O (1936)
13/636/6 (Sverige)

A 1936 Swedish Language Instruction manual for outfit O. Print Code 13/636/6(Sverige).
(Added 24/02/2022)
Outfits O to B (1936)
13/636/1.05 (Sverige)

A 1936 Swedish Language Instruction manual for outfits A to B. Print Code 13/636/1.05(Sverige).
(Added 24/02/2022)
Outfits 0 to 3 (1937)
13/1037/5 (Sweden)

A 1937 Swedish Language Instruction manual for outfits 0 to 3. Print Code 13/1037/5(Sweden).
(Added 24/02/2022)
Outfits 4 to 6 (1937)
13/1037/3 (Sweden)

A 1937 Swedish Language Instruction manual for outfits 4 to 6 (missing pages 55 & 56. Print Code 13/1037/3(Sweden).
(Added 24/02/2022)
Outfit 2 (1949)
13/149/2 (Swedish)

A 1949 Swedish Language Instruction manual for outfit 2. Print Code 13/149/2(Swedish).
(Added 24/02/2022)
Outfit 6 (1949)
13/149/1 (Swedish)

A 1949 Swedish Language Instruction manual for outfit 6. Print Code 13/149/1(Swedish).
(Added 24/02/2022)
Outfit 5 (1955)
13/155/2 (Swedish)

A 1955 Swedish Language Instruction manual for outfit 5. Print Code 13/155/2(Swedish).
(Added 24/02/2022)